Monday, October 5, 2020


 Yesterday I posted a true story about Jim Thorpe winning the 2012 Olympics with two different shoes.  The morning of the Olympics, his shoes were stolen but that didn't stop him, he found shoes.  One was too big, so he had to wear extra socks.  He competed and won in spite of the obstacle.

Nobody sets out with a plan to fail, but so often people let obstacles get in the way of their success.

We all need to take a lesson from this story as we each face obstacles in our lifetime.  We have two choices, we can choose to use those obstacles as an excuse or a determination.  I personally have faced more obstacles in my life than I choose to remember.  Some more challenging than others but I always chose to wish, hope, and dream and make it happen instead of excuses that would make me quit.  

There was a time in my life that I lived as a Single Mom with three little boys in Government Housing.  I was so happy to have a home and a life with my little boys, I never gave much thought to the "type of housing."  It didn't change who I was or the way I would raise my sons.  It was temporary and I knew it.  I would go to sleep at night with visions of a better tomorrow.  I held down three jobs at a time and my little boys had everything they needed.  I learned to be fearless and strong and let nothing stand in my way of that better tomorrow.  My life was like climbing a mountain.  I had to take one stone at a time.  I am still climbing that mountain and I hope God gives me the strength to continue until He calls me home.

Starting a Real Estate career at 75 was not an easy task and failing the state test twice would make the faint at heart quit, but not this only made my determination stronger.  I had learned that strength when I was 27 in that government housing project and it has served me well for all of my life.

The moral of this story is  I was given a difficult start in a marriage, abandoned by a husband, and left virtually penniless to raise a 6-week old baby and a six and 7 year old.  I would not be who I am today without those early lessons.  Babe Ruth said and I live by "You Just Can't Beat The Person Who Won't Give Up>"

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 I know a lot of negative people that seem to not just be negative about a few things but everything in general.  I ask myself "Why?" when so many of these people appear to be blessed with so much but are they really?  I guess it depends on what one means by so much.

Lack of confidence, doom and gloom, distrust, and anxiety are a toxic cocktail mix.  You probably wonder how a person can survive with all that inside of them!  Yet, these negative people exist all around us and are impossible to avoid.  I am by no means saying that you will not have moments of despair, anxiety, and discouragement.  But,  as a positive person, you don't let these thoughts take over your lives.  You live by the four-to-one-ratio.  You generate four positive thoughts to each negative one, to keep situations from getting out of hand.

I have had many times in my life that I could have given in to despair but instead, I always kept a strong belief that things will get better.  In this recent month, we had three Real Estate transactions fall by the wayside through no fault of ours.  Yes, it was disappointing but did I throw my hands in the air and proclaim, "It's not fair, and I can't do this anymore?"  Absolutely not, I let my disappointment work the opposite, and I went right back at it.  

In my real estate business, I have known people that let others tell them what house to buy, or what neighborhood to live in or etc. etc. etc.  You can be certain that they are the negative squad that have not yet sorted out their own issues so it is much easier to tell others how to live their lives.  Negative people survive on worry and the fact that everything is going to go wrong.

I choose to concentrate on looking for the good things in life while still getting excited about an upcoming event or how awesome it feels to re-arrange the furniture and buying some fresh flowers for no reason.  Does this mean I am always happy and positive?  Of course not and I don't ever mind saying "I failed," because to me that means at least I tried.  Fake positive people only tell you when they succeed.

There have been times in my life because I try to be a positive person that I have been accused of living in denial and quite naive.  Being positive doesn't keep problems away from you, but you look for solutions.  One must listen to good advice and follow through with guidance.

Try working on being happy and positivity will come.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 “There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. ...

Monday, September 21, 2020


 Now that is a good question and one I have been asked at least once a day while I am out enjoying a walk with my new fur baby, Gus.  First and foremost you have to be fit to get a puppy, as they require exercise.  Some people are fit right into their 80's and 90's while some people much younger are not fit at all so age shouldn't be a factor.  People ask "what if you die before the dog?", really, you can die at any age so should no one ever get a puppy?  I do feel when a senior gets a puppy that someone should be in place to care for the puppy in the event you cannot, and that would certainly be a good idea for everyone so a puppy does not end up in a shelter.   I think raising a puppy is a bit like raising children- the more you have in your life the easier they become.  I must say, I don't find puppies hard work at all, and I have raised several puppies along with three boys.  What memories I have and I would not trade those memories for anything in the world.

Moving to a new community when you are older is difficult as you leave friends behind to embark on your new venture to "Bloom Where You are Planted."  This recently happened to me, so what did I do? I went back to school and got my Real Estate License and I love my new career but something was still missing in my life and I knew exactly what it was...It was my heart's best friend, a dog.  I know when owning a dog (puppy), you are more likely to practice heart-healthy habits such as a good exercise routine, eating well-balanced meals, as well as developing good sleep habits.  Did you know that almost 40% of seniors experience loneliness on a regular basis (which research has associated with poor health, poor sleep, high stress, and more inflammation?  Pets will also help take your mind off pain.  All you ever have to do is look into your pet's eyes and you will get a boost of feel good.  Pets help you stick to a routine, you have someone who is totally dependent on you, and those empty hours are suddenly filled with feeding, walking, grooming, and playing with your fur baby as well as keeping your mind sharp. There is always someone at home to greet you.  You suddenly find yourself more social as you walk your pet and meet other pet owners.  I have found since having Gus, that I have connected with more people in this last month than I have since I moved to my new home.

So you have all my reasons for this senior getting a puppy and I don't regret it for a second.  Yes, I still work hard at Real Estate, and Sam and I have decided to take turns working at home until Gus is a little older.  For two seniors such as we are, becoming Sam, Helen Ann and Gus has been the best decision we ever made.  We are a family.  I personally think that dogs are absolutely amazing, they give unconditional love and for me, they are the role model for being alive.