Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Refurbished Buffet Table

Another rainy day project that just took a weekend from start to finish.   The buffet below was a thrift store find for only $35.00.  It was very dark mahogany in need of a facelift to fit into my Country French collection of furniture.  I stated, as usual, cleaning the entire buffet with mineral spirits to take off any grease, dirt, or grime.  That is the beauty of chalk paint as that's the only preparation you need. 

Step 1  I used crackle paint by Annie Sloan and painted the entire piece.  Let it completely dry.  Normally you put crackle paint on top of your first coat of paint to show that color thru the second coat of paint; however, I wanted the wood to show thru the layer of paint so doing the crackle first was an experiment and it worked to achieve the result I was looking for.  Crackling techniques 

Step 2  I put Annie Sloan Duck egg blue, Paris Gray and French Linen, and olive on a paper plate(do not mix)  I put my brush in all three colors at once and began painting.  This creates a mixture of colors.  I let this dry completely.  As it began to dry, it crackled and the wood showed thru which created a very distressed look.

Step 3  I painted the sides and bottom of the buffet with the same procedure as step two only using Country Gray and Old World.  They crackled as well.   All by Annie Sloan.

Step 4  I used a technique called Frottage only on the drawers. I painted the olive on the dresser drawers and while it was still wet, I crumpled a brown paper bag good and tight and unfolded it and just gently worked it into the wet paint.  It creates a look like a drawing on your paint.  Dry completely.

Step 5  I always mix dark wax with white wax.  The reason behind: you can always make your wax darker but it is much more difficult to go lighter.  I put the wax on with a good wax brush and then buff it to a nice finish.  I cut my husband's old white tee shirts to use as my polish cloth. You can also use just Johnson and Johnson wax; however, it will not achieve that distressed look.   This sets everything.  Add a coat of varnish if you wish for added protection.  I find Gator Hide by Dixie Belle to be an excellent product and if I do not want the look of waxing to create an old look, I just finish with the gator Hide.  

If you have any questions, please comment below, as I have a lot of tips and short cuts for you.

Monday, June 29, 2020

To Thine Own Self Be True

When it comes to living as a compassionate non-judgemental human being, the only challenge greater than learning to walk a mile in someone else's shoes is learning to walk comfortably in your own.

"The most confused we get is when we try to convince our heads of something we know in our hearts to be a lie." ~Karen Morning.  There have been many times in my own life when I felt as though people didn't know or understand me.  How could they, when I didn't even know myself.  Some years ago I began searching for my authentic self by peeling away layers of years of conditioning about being told who I should be  These layers can be pretty heavy and sometimes we don't even realize they are there.  We just get used to the status quo.  We know we feel off, something doesn't feel right, in fact, it feels just plain wrong.  When I began the process of searching for "the real me," it required stripping layer after layer looking for and trying to understand why I had the feeling I did about my own self-worth.   I was the oldest of three in my family and was taught that it was most important for me to always set the example for my siblings.  I am certain that many of you remember phrases such as you are to be seen and not heard, don't make any waves, do as you are told, and we all remember this one, stop crying or I will give you something to cry about.  Then, to make things worse, we were always being compared to others.  I often herd "your father is an officer in the United States Army, and your actions are a reflection on us."  This actually proved to be true when my father was being considered for the job of Military Attache to Paraguay, and the FBI paid a visit to my High School to ensure I was of good character and not a trouble maker.  I am proud to say, I passed the test.  This was my family belief system and while it was not wrong, it turned me into a tried and true people pleaser constantly feeling paralyzed about what choices to make, and all I knew was they must always be the right choice.

Having to feel that I always needed to portray a perfect image on the outside was beginning to make me feel very disingenuous so I decided it was time for me to work at changing my target of behavior.  In doing so, I decided to become a fly on the wall and began observing myself objectively.  What I saw was that I wasn't being honest about what I thought, wanted, or needed.  I needed to make space in my life to connect with myself so I started journaling, asking myself tough questions, and being honest with the answers.  Now I have become a life long student of constantly learning how to be my Authentic Self.  What does that really mean?  It simply means being my best self and not a poor imitation of someone else.  I began my journey by not worrying about what others thought I should be (that was an extremely difficult habit to break), instead I concentrated on who I wanted to be.  No one can tell you how to be true to yourself except you.

Next week I will give you a glimpse of how I began to recognize that I was finally beginning to Live My Authentic Life.  

~Live Well and Prosper

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Chocolate Chip Cake

Chocolate isn't chocolatey enough to describe this serious delightfully rich chocolate cake.  The good news is, this decadent cake starts with the simplicity of a chocolate cake mix and then rich ingredients such as chocolate pudding, sour cream along with a large package of chocolate chips get added.  All this gets topped with the heavenly happiness of a rich chocolate buttercream frosting.  Now, Let's get this party started.


1 chocolate cake box mix of your choice
1 tsp. baking powder
1 small package of chocolate instant pudding (I used Godiva)
4 eggs
1 cup sour cream (do not use non-fat)
1/2 cup canola oil
1/2 cup milk
1  (11.5 oz.) bag of chocolate chips

Mix all the ingredients together, except the chocolate chips, until well combined.  Put 1/2 of the batter into a greased 13x9x2 inch pan.  Sprinkle 1/2 package of the chocolate chips over the batter.  On top of the chocolate chips, pour the remainder of the batter with the rest of the chocolate chips on top.

Bake in a 350-degree oven for 45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.  Let cool for about 30 minutes and frost.


1 cup of unsalted butter brought to room temperature
3 and 1/2 cup of confectioners' sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened Godiva cocoa mix
3 Tbs. heavy cream or milk
1/4 tsp. salt
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract

~Bon Appetit

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Embrace Diversity in our Communities

Together we can build strong communities when we embrace diversity and accept one another.  We live with billions of people on this earth, and there is so much we could learn from one another if we were to just try.  With the right attitude and good social skills, we can get along with just about anybody.  Of course, not everyone is going to be your best friend but we can still learn to respect others.  We don't need everyone to be an exact carbon of one another, we should instead celebrate how different we are. We need to stop being judgemental and realize everyone is unique in their own way, even those in your own families.
Let's think about our neighborhoods.  We could learn so much by getting out there and meeting our neighbors, learning about their culture, and history. People want to travel the world to gain insight into other cultures as well as different foods when we could stay home and learn so much if we would open our minds to something different. We have stopped spreading love in our own cities when someone is a different color, race, or religion than we are.  Do we take the time to get to know that person or do we just ignore them because they appear different?  Do we ignore those people when we travel to their countries?  Of course not, so why do we do it here?  We need to start being more understanding of our differences and spread the love for one another that could make this world whole again.  

Try to see our neighborhoods in color, rather than through rose-colored glasses that tend to cause a hundred different shades of gray and treat others as you wish to be treated.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Darling Dressing Table Makeover

Here is an old dressing table that was once a warm gold.  Definitely not appealing to the eye.  Annie Sloan once again to the rescue.  I taped off the drawers where I did not want to paint and did the rest of the table in Duck Egg Blue and finished with Dixie Belle Gator Hide for endurance. 

Monday, June 22, 2020

You Don't Have To Wait For The Perfect Time

"Do Not Wait," because the perfect time will never come along.   There will never be a perfect time to start, so why not today, right now, this very minute where you stand.  There is only one thing standing between you and you're becoming your best self and that one thing is "YOU."   No more time for excuses like I need more money, more time, more experience, more research, and the cycle continues with every trip around the sun as you continue to fill your head with empty excuses.  Many people live their entire life looking out the window watching everyone else have all the fun.  Maybe we were told as a young person that a goal we had was ridiculous and unachievable.  In my case, I was an adult when someone told me I was too old to achieve what I had always aspired to be.  Shame on me, I was only forty-nine at the time, and looking back, I regret that I didn't listen to my own heart but foolishly let someone else's opinion influence me.  That caused me a lot of self-criticisms and doubt.  I am happy to say that I overcame that image of myself, I took the first step and while I was not able to achieve my perfect dream, I achieved much more for myself.  Step by step I became more confident, smarter, and more successful. It didn't matter to me if I failed, the important thing was I tried and I keep trying.

I take and still do, regardless of my age, every opportunity that comes along to grow and grow as I am on the path to living the best me.  It's not achieving the dream that's important but rather the journey you will take to continue reaching for whatever it might be that you are in search of.   When we look back on our lives, studies show the most common regrets are not the chances we took but the ones we didn't.  Today I search for the path that brings my heart the most happiness, I work as hard as I can toward it and ask God to guide my steps.  I once read, write your plans in pencil and give God the pen.

Live Well and Prosper
~Helen Ann  

Friday, June 19, 2020

Teriyaki Flank Steak or London Broil

This recipe is from a collection from my "If Recipies Could Talk" cookbook.  I recalled many times my children would call me for a "special" recipe or two.  I would either try to recall it from the recesses of my memory or try to locate it in one of many cookbooks or scratch paper where I was known to scribble recipes.  It occurred to me that if I put together a potpourri of my favorite recipes, it would be a meaningful gift to give my family.  That being said, in 2000 I spent eight months painstakingly working my way through more cookbooks than I ever thought I owned.  I would type a recipe and remember (I was an empty nester by this time) a memorable family time when we would enjoy this dish together at our dinner table.  These beautiful memories of family times became the threads that wove my cookbook together.  While writing this book, I asked my children to share some of their favorite recipes.  The following was and still is my son, Cliff's, favorite.  I hope you enjoy it and create your own memories around the table.

Teriyaki London Broil

1 (1 1/2 lb) London Broil or flank steak
5 green onions
3/4 cup canola oil
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 1/2 tsp. crushed ginger (I chop it finely and then use a fork to crush it)
1 1/2 tsp. garlic powder
3 tbs. honey
2 tbs vinegar

Place the london broil in a large shallow dish.  Combine all ingredients, mixing well.  Pour over the steak, cover and marinate in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours, turning occasionally.  Drain the steak, reserving the marinade.  Grill, basting with the marinade, 5-10 minutes per side or until a meat thermometer registers 130-135 degrees for rare, 140 degrees for medium-rare, and 155 degrees for medium.  It is best to let your meat rest approximately 5 minutes after removing it from the grill.   To serve slice the steak across the grain into thin slices.

~Bon Appetit

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Home-Selling Checklist: Things to Do Before Selling Your House

Prepare your home and your family by knowing the things to do when you are getting ready to sell your home. Here is a list that I normally use to help my customers.

Call your πŸ’“Agents With Heart πŸ’“ (239) 410-4431.  Naturally, I would say this since it is my blog but it is important to call a good Real Estate agent to help with the process.

Make your living space as uncluttered and attractive as you can.  Less is always best.

I don't feel the need to tell my customers to totally depersonalize their space as you want it to look like a home.  Family pictures here and there are a nice touch.  Even model homes have a few pictures of people around.  You are just looking for a clean palette that buyers can visualize living there.

Bright blue could be your very favorite color but it could be a buyers least favorite.  You are always safer with neutral tones.  Try to clean up scuff marks on the doors and baseboards.

Fix broken handles, broken glass or screens.  Even a missing lightbulb could be a turn off to a buyer.  The more light you have, the better.  Don't close windows with dark curtains..bring in the light.  You want a happy home.πŸ˜€

Do a clean sweep of tables, countertops, windowsills.  Clean behind closed doors, straighten out closets and cabinets.  If you have too much "stuff" laying around it might make the potential buyers think there would not be enough room for their things.  Closets and cabinets will be opened.

You don't want any odors.  In helping my sellers, I always do a "smell test."  It helps to have a third party do this as you might have gotten used to a certain smell that others will notice immediately.   It is a lovely touch to have a small pot of potpourri simmering.  I would recommend electric so it is not on the stove.  I do not recommend candles but try baking some bread or cookies.  Around the holidays, use some fresh greenery.  Nothing beats the smell of fresh pine.  A DIY peppermint spray is lovely as well as lavender in the bathrooms.  The smell you are looking for is "cozy."

You might want to consider a bowl of fresh fruit or a bouquet of flowers on the kitchen counter along with a plate of cookies, I would avoid chocolate or nuts...sugar cookies would be perfect.  A treat for your guests.

Curb appeal is also important.  Some people will drive by and not even come in if they don't like the way your home looks from the outside.   Buyers do tend to judge a book by its cover.  If you are unsure of how to improve your curb appeal, ask your realtor for help.  That is what he or she is there for and they help sellers with this all the time.

Next clean, clean, and clean some more.  Don't leave beds unmade and dirty towels in the bathroom.  Your realtor will want to take professional pictures so you want your home to look its Sunday best.  Naturally, you will always want your home to look like the pictures.

Hide your medications and valuables.  Sometimes things can disappear during an open house and you don't want that to happen.  Better safe than sorry.πŸ˜•

If your home screams the '70s or '80s you might talk to your realtor about helping you stage it.  I once sold a home for a customer by finding some vinyl furniture in the garage and by the time we finished, the living room rocked the retro look of the '60s and sold immediately. 

There are many types of good luck traditions in selling a home.  Below you will find a website with many ideas and perhaps you will find one suitable for you.  Best of luck to you and I hope this post has been helpful.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Maple Dresser Makeover

This dresser originally belonged to my husband's late wife.  I wanted to update the look to be more shabby chic so I grabbed some Annie Sloan Duck Egg Blue and got to work.  This time I was a bit more creative and decided to do a frottage technique.  Never tried it? Check out this video to learn more.  I feel the overall result is just what I was looking for.

This is a close up of the technique of frottage 

Monday, June 15, 2020

The Lady on the Beach and Aging Gracefully

Betty Freidan said, "Aging is not a lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength."  These are such awesome words as  I don't think there has been a time in my life that I have ever felt so vibrant and confident.   On the first of August, I will turn 77 and I am often referred to as the older lady with the gray hair.  I think of my gray hair as wisdom and nature's highlights.  As for these lines in my face, they are where many smiles have been and tears have landed as well as the beautiful sun and wind on my skin.  The memories have certainly been worth the wrinkles.  These scars I have, they are real badges of courage.  I once read the best classroom is at the foot of an elderly person.  So, all this being said...I don't for a second regret growing older as it is a privilege denied to many.

When I was in my thirties, I spent my summers with my husband and my boys at Cape May, New Jersey on Windsor Beach.  Each year I would see the same lovely lady walking the beach, always with her husband, hand in hand.  I grew older and so did she, suddenly she was walking alone.  What always impressed me about "my lady on the beach" as I called her, was how she grew more beautiful with every passing year.  She had the most beautiful silver hair that glistened in the sunlight, a smile that I will never forget, she always had on a very tasteful bathing suit that was well suited to her age.  She embraced the classics and was no longer trying to be 35 again.   By her appearance, it appeared she lived a very healthy lifestyle.  I never saw her face until years later when I finally decided to tell her just how much I had admired her over the years and how thanks to her, I would strive to become my own lady on the beach someday.  When I talked to her, she told me about her husband passing and when I looked into her beautiful face and listened to her speak, I don't think I ever witnessed anyone quite so beautiful.  I never saw her another summer after that encounter but whenever I have an opportunity to walk a beach, I try to stand a little taller, smile a little brighter and can only hope that I have become someone's "lady on the beach" 

I don't believe that I could share a story any better than this one about the art of aging gracefully.  I am still trying to power forward in my own life.   Looking back, I remember CoCo Chanel once said "Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. It is up to you to merit the face you have at 50." The fact is, aging is inevitable.  We should embrace it as a beautiful part of life.  Focus on happiness and what brings you the most joy.  There are lots of bumps in the road like we are experiencing right now but we can choose not to dwell on stressful times but move forward instead.

There is no need to despair over aging, let's join together as we hit our stride and remember the best is yet to come.  "Be Your Own Lady on the Beach."

Live Well and Prosper


Friday, June 12, 2020

Helen Ann's Twice Baked Potatoes

If I had one word to describe these twice baked potatoes it would extraordinary.  This will become a family favorite!  To this very day, my daughters-in-law's and my granddaughters, as well as my sons, use this recipe and they all claim, better than any restaurant. 

Bon Appetite! 

Twice Baked Potatoes

6 Russett Baking Potatoes
1 stick butter (melted)
8 ozs of sour cream  (I use Horizon Organic as it keeps forever)
1/2 cup of milk (add more if your potatoes are not creamy enough)
2 cups grated sharp cheddar cheese (I prefer yellow but white will do)
1 cup green onions (scallions), green parts only sliced thinly
12 slices of cooked bacon (to stay healthy I use nitrate-free bacon) crumble and set aside
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil
sea salt

  1. Preheat your oven to 350
  2. Coat each potato with a little olive oil and sea salt.  Be sure to make an X in your potatoes before baking (this will eliminate and exploded potatoes in the oven)  Not Fun!!
  3. Wrap each potato in heavy-duty foil
  4. Bake until done.  I just squeeze the potato to make certain it is soft
  5. Let potatoes cool and remove the foil.
  6. Cut them in half lengthwise
  7. Scoop out the potato flesh and put in a mixing bowl, leaving the shells in tack
  8. Use the foil you removed from the potatoes or use new pieces and wrap your potato boats
  9. Save three pieces of bacon for garnish after the potatoes are done and ready to serve
  10. Mix all the remaining ingredients with the potatoes and stuff your potato boats (I use a potato masher and not a mixer)  some lumps are fine.  If more milk is needed, now would be the time to add it. 
  11. Bake again at 350 for 15-20 minutes or until the cheese is good and melted.  These are best eaten immediately or leftover the next evening.  They can be frozen but do not thaw before re-baking.  Just cover and put them straight into a 350 oven.
 Live Well and Prosper,
~Helen Ann

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Weekly Wednesday Real Estate Update - June 10, 2020

Are you thinking of selling your home?   If the answer is "Yes," than now may be the best opportunity as summer could be the new spring for Real Estate. There are very few homes on the market at this time so your home could definitely stand out.  Many families put their plans on hold during Covid-19 and now as stay-at-home orders are gradually lifting more committed buyers are looking and your home could be at the top of their list.

Sam Khater, Chief Economist at Freddie Mac indicates:

“For the fourth consecutive week, the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage has been below 3.30 percent, giving potential buyers a good reason to continue shopping even amid the pandemic…As states reopen, we’re seeing purchase demand improve remarkably fast, now essentially flat relative to a year ago.” 

The temporary softening of the real estate market will likely be followed by a strong rebound, hence the old cliche "There is no time like the present,"  With mortgage rates so low there is certainly incentive to buy a home. While it is a frightening time to be out looking for real estate, the industry has adopted new approaches to minimize exposure to the virus. Most realtors are now working remotely and conducting most of their business virtually.  We are experiencing great success with buyers and sellers having their consultations remotely   Your Agents With Heart recently sold a home virtually to a couple in Illinois, and they love their new home.  While it was certainly a new experience for all of us, we made certain to provide support every step of the way to our customers to make this as smooth as possible.

Whatever properties our customers want to see, we will be happy to Facetime and if you do want to make an offer that's accepted, and you head to the closing table, real estate agents and attorneys are adapting to remote closings.

Check out my website at agentwithheart.me and I am available by email ha@agentwithheart.me and by phone and text at (239)-410-4431.

I would love to help you find your way home,
~Helen Ann

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Upcycled Chairs Project

When we still lived in North Carolina I found these adorable chairs at the Tobacco Barn in Asheville, but they needed a bit of updating. The original wood on these chairs was a dark brown, maybe mahogany, but it didn't go with my decor. The original fabric was green, orange, and brown... ick! Despite all that, I could still see the potential beauty in these chairs. New fabric and Annie Sloan chalk paint to the rescue!!

As with any project, you need to clean them with mineral spirits to get any old dirt, residue, and grease off the existing surface. That is the only preparation you need when chalk painting. You don't need to strip any of the existing paint or finish off. I used Annie Sloan sage green chalk paint, finished with dark wax.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Spaghetti and Meatballs

I am married to a 100% Italian who loves to eat.  I cannot believe that the first meal I ever cooked for him was spaghetti and meatballs.  I must admit, however, that the lady who gave me the recipes was likewise, 100% so I had a bit of a head start.  The first time Sam tried my sauce and meatballs, he looked up to heaven and said "Sorry Ma She Makes Sauce Just Like You."  That being said here is Rose Aikman's recipe for sauce and meatballs.  Sam still loves my sauce.

Rose Aikman Spegetti Sauce

2 (28 oz.) Hunts Tomato Sauce
1 (28 oz.) Hunts Crushed Tomatoes with Basil
1 (35 oz.) Cento Italian Peeled Tomatoes.  I crush them before I put them in the sauce.
1 (6 oz.) can Hunts Tomato Paste
3-4 cloves fresh garlic, crushed
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
2-3 tsp of Italian Spices
Salt and Pepper to taste
Pork Neck Bone (optional)
Romano Cheese (grated)

I always fry my paste for a few minutes with the crushed garlic and the pork neck bone.  Next, add all ingredients and simmer covered for about 1 1/2 hours.  When it is time to serve the sauce, remove the neck bone, and put it in a bowl for someone to enjoy.  Add some sauce in a pasta bowl, next pasta of your preference, and toss.  Serve the extra sauce (gravy) (this is always an on-going debate between Italians) in a gravy boat or bowl and ladle as you desire.  Serve with grated romano cheese.

Rose Aikman's Meatballs

1 lb. ground sirloin (you can use chuck or any other ground beef)
2 eggs
1/2 cup Italian bread crumbs (We use Progresso)
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 1/2 cloves garlic minced through a garlic press
1/4 cup chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste

In a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients and mix well.  Form into balls.  You can either bake at 350 until done or we put ours in the sauce while cooking for flavor.  As an added note, you can flash freeze on a cookie sheet and keep in freezer bags until ready for use.

Controlling Anger

Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy human emotion; however, the problem comes when it gets out of control and turns destructive and causes more harm than good. When I was a little girl my Nana used to say "Count to 10." Now, keep in mind that I am Irish with that little Irish temper of mine that has reared its ugly head and caused me to lose patience with people on more than one occasion. 

Through the years when I feel anger rising up inside me, I make a real conscious effort to remain silent until a later time when I feel more rational about a situation. Often times I just walk away. This is not easy to do but it will save you a lot of stress and heartache in the end. Don't let bitterness cause your anger. So many rush to social media to vent their opinions and it is far too easy to "hit reply to all" or "send." (I did that once and it did not serve me well at all) After that time, instead of social media, I journal my anger as I write down my thoughts and feelings for myself. Many times when I look back at my own anger it was brought on by something I was dealing with and not related to the situation at all. 

On the other hand, it is not healthy to hold your anger as it can lead to health problems down the road. Find a constructive way to talk about a problem. Learn to fight fair without blaming, threatening, or calling names. Don't use words like "never" as never can be a very long time. Try not to issue ultimatums. Something my sweet husband taught me was to try to use "I" rather than you. For example, I feel this when "X" happens rather than attacking with a "You" statement. For example you always "XXX." Anger can be a healthy emotion if you learn to control it rather than it controlling you but never trust your tongue when your heart is hurting and bitter. 

Heartfelt Blessings to all today.

Lessons Learned in Quarantine


On April 16th, early into the quarantine, I did a post on how different personalities handle things differently. If anyone would like to read it, I will be happy to share it.

In short, I am an extrovert and love to share energy with others more than anything else in this world. My study between the two personalities found that extroverts will find ways to share energy at all costs thus my daily blogs on being a positive person.

During this quarantine, I have been able to accomplish more than I ever thought possible. First and foremost, I was reminded of my strength as I saw an opportunity to see the "CAN" in cancer and that strength has carried me through my treatment and cancer-free today. I also realized what a healthy relationship I have with myself. I certainly appreciate the little things in life, I have kept a productive workday connecting with my past and present customers. I make certain to give myself breaks every couple of hours to do something I love and I quit at the same time each day. I appreciate the value of a routine and realized I can work from home and not be distracted.

All this being said perhaps I am not quite the extrovert I once thought I was. I have found that I enjoy the confinement of staying home to work on my projects, blog, cook, read more, and stay physically active. Being home with my husband has worked as we have respected one another's space. Sam has also realized that he is enjoying his alone time and he; likewise, is not as convinced that he is the extrovert he once thought. All in all, I have learned that I think I am a recovering type A + workaholic overachiever. Like many of you, I have learned to just "BE" and you know what? I have discovered my new normal and I like it and I like me.

You Be the Change

We can feel lost if we stop believing that we can create change in our world. Our actions matter. Believe change is possible and take a step in that direction, every moment. You absolutely can be the change you want to see in the world. LIGHT YOUR CANDLE AND JUST DO IT!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Last Day of Radiation

Battling Cancer is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Every day I prayed that God would give me the same strength He did yesterday. I become so used to saying "I'm doing just fine," with a smile on my face that I actually believed it. The worry, treatments, and stress along with the pandemic at the same time were like a roller coaster ride but I was up for the challenge. 

From that very first day I walked into the world of Radiology Oncology until this morning when I walked out, I felt nothing short of gratitude to my team of Doctors and my technicians as well as all those giant machines that I had breakfast with every morning for twenty days that were saving my life. This morning as I laid in my little pillow, that had been made especially for me, I looked around this once frightening room and for the first time, I cried. Not tears of fear but rather tears of thanksgiving for the grace and strength that God has given me on this journey. 

Now, how do I feel now that radiation is over? I am a survivor and I have become adapted to new normalcy of having to be self-isolated. Those who have been through Chemotherapy, Radiation or other immune compromising treatments are forced to hunker down at home and avoid social contact Now, the entire world is being forced to deal with a new diagnosis, not cancer but a new coronavirus to which we have no immunity or treatment, at least not yet. You might say that having cancer preps you for something like this. You learn to deal with uncertainty, self-isolation while doing your best to stay connected and be self resilient. It frightens me to see those that are not taking this virus seriously. We all have received a diagnosis and it is up to each of us to pay attention to self-care. 

I want to thank my amazing team of Doctors, my Surgeon, Dr. Russell Novak, Sarasota First Physicians Group. 21st Century Oncology for their fine Doctors, Dr. Stephen Patrice, Radiology Oncology, Dr. Robin Lifton, Oncologist as well as my favorite technician, Jeremy who guided those machines every day. To my family who was behind the scenes to always encourage and support and last but certainly by no means least, my wonderful husband who never missed a day driving me and supporting and loving me every step of this journey. All this being said, how do I feel now that my treatment is complete? I feel like dancing!!!!

~ Helen Ann

The Sun Always Comes Up

After the dark always comes a new day. That was so clear this morning when I woke up to the most beautiful sunrise. There are times we forget to see the beauty of a new day while we are still thinking about yesterday. Yesterday? Today? Tomorrow? which day are you still working on? Are you so busy catching up on yesterday's work that you don't see your brand new day, or are you so interested in what the future is going to look like, that you forget today? Today is the only day you have, tomorrow is not promised to any of us but that doesn't mean that we can't live in today making good choices that will lead to a meaningful path to our future. 

There are some things that will help you live in the moment. Pay attention to small things that put joy in your day. Smile more as it can always influence how you feel. Random acts of kindness help you live in the moment by making others smile. One of the easiest things about living in the moment is to do something for someone else expecting nothing in return. Live in the moment by being thankful and expressing your gratitude. 

On Friday, I thanked my radiation technicians for helping me on my path to wellness and they in turn made my day saying "Miss Helen, we are going to miss your cheerful smile and positive attitude." There was a moment that I had an opportunity to show gratitude and it came right back to me, of course making me day happy as well. Living in the pandemic and having cancer at the same time has, in many ways been a blessing that I am truly thankful for. I have learned so much about living in the now and looking for that beautiful new sunrise each and every day. I have learned that spending time focused on what may happen down the road will rob me of what is happening now. Learn to live in the moment, it moves quickly...don't miss it. Have a Blessed and Beautiful Sunday and God Bless.

~ Helen Ann

Making A Difference

It is always so nice to put your energy into something worthwhile. I think most of us always feel good about making a difference in the lives of others. For me, I am happy to help and support others, and I try to have an overflow of positive energy that enriches the lives of everyone I work with and connect with. Being a positive influencer, you love to see others grow and you will be willing to walk away from “success-building” opportunities that will be hurtful and damaging to others. Unethical, demeaning, or destructive approaches should go against the very meaning and purpose of what we should be committed to in helping others. 

Haven't we all known and experienced scores of “leaders” and high-achievers who’ve gotten where they are by stepping on others on their way up the ladder of success. These are not true leaders or influencers, their power was obtained unethically and it can't be sustained over time. This type of person will reap what they’ve sown and over the long term, this day always comes. In my own journey of life, I have tried to take what I have learned and experienced as well as my failures, and use these lessons as a means to help others. Even when I was unable to achieve something, it has always made me feel so good to have helped someone else to achieve it. You too can Give More, Smile More, and Help Others More. Every day we have the power to choose to be that person who makes the difference in the lives of others.

You Can't See the Forest for the Trees

We have all heard and felt from time to time "You can't see the forest for the trees." What exactly does that mean to you? I think it is an expression used when we get so involved in the details of a problem, we can't look at the situation as a whole. If, for instance, you look at things one at a time you may not realize that branches of separate trees grow together to make a forest. 

I came to this realization when I moved to North Carolina during a time in my life when I was experiencing some challenges You might say, I went through my own self-isolation during that time. I spent hours by myself trying to figure out the big picture. The mountains with all their splendor and beauty and walks through the forest taught me so much about life. It was during those that I times that I was able to see the forest without concentrating on just tree or two. 

Now we are facing the challenge of this pandemic and a lot of people are beginning to lose their optimism. It is important to keep in mind that our mental and physical health are linked. Once in a while like perhaps a Sunday or two of yesteryear it's perfectly okay to stay in your pajamas all day and watch Netflix. That, in itself, can be fun and liberating when the keywords are "once in a while," but don't let it become a habit. You can still follow a routine and add value to your day. Learn some self-isolation activities to prevent boredom from setting in. 

For me, it has been writing and starting a blog. Downloading some podcasts, learning a new language, trying some new recipes, and Zoom-ing is a perfect way to enjoy time with family and friends. We, in Florida, reap the benefit of a lanai where we can enjoy Friday night happy hour with our neighbors on their lanai. Eating healthy and keeping an exercise routine as well as getting up and going to bed at the same time each day. You can still find joy around you. "This will have a lasting effect to make us a better humanity after this pandemic ends."

~ Helen Ann

Friday, June 5, 2020

Be Your Best Authentic Self

Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Unfortunately, too many of us do, trapped in a life that isn’t right for us by fear and inertia. It is never too late to be who you want to be. Finding your passion is about doing what you love and being who you love in a way that empowers you to go after your dreams, becoming the best version of you, and literally creating your most magnificent, joyful, meaningful, and successful self. 

First – you have to know what it is that you truly love, you have to know what your dreams really are, and you have to know how you define, for yourself, what that magnificent, joyful, meaningful, and successful life looks like. So much can happen in a single day so don't ever underestimate the power in a day. When I decided to go to Real Estate School, you would not believe the negative comments I heard. The one that was always the loudest was "what's the point in starting a new business or pursuing a career at your age that will require going back to school, studying and taking tests to achieve a new qualification, and what if you fail and wasted all that time." Yup, that was what I heard day in and day out. 

Having always been a person with a very strong mindset coupled with a dominant thought process I continued to blaze my own trail. I did fail my State Test the first time but that only made me more determined to study harder and I am proud to say, that hard work paid off and I did get my license. Where I am today is a product of my prevailing thoughts and beliefs that I had in myself a year and a half ago. Everything has changed in amazing and beautiful ways for me. 

We all have our own unique gifts to give the world. You are a once-in-humankind combination of passions, natural aptitudes, and quirks. There will never again be anyone quite like you. Your primary purpose in life is to be the best authentic you in every way possible. You see, going after my dream added a whole new development of satisfaction to my life. I allowed myself to rise above the life that others expected of me and today looking back on all the hard work, doubt, and conflicting emotions, I can say "I Did It!" and I am proud to be living an authentic life with meaning and purpose. You too can find your passion and reach your goals. 

I once read it is better to be a the bottom of the right ladder than the top of the wrong ladder. A book that beautifully portrays being your authentic self is "Hope For the Flowers" words and illustrations by Trina Paulus. 

Have a Blessed Day.