Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Last Day of Radiation

Battling Cancer is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Every day I prayed that God would give me the same strength He did yesterday. I become so used to saying "I'm doing just fine," with a smile on my face that I actually believed it. The worry, treatments, and stress along with the pandemic at the same time were like a roller coaster ride but I was up for the challenge. 

From that very first day I walked into the world of Radiology Oncology until this morning when I walked out, I felt nothing short of gratitude to my team of Doctors and my technicians as well as all those giant machines that I had breakfast with every morning for twenty days that were saving my life. This morning as I laid in my little pillow, that had been made especially for me, I looked around this once frightening room and for the first time, I cried. Not tears of fear but rather tears of thanksgiving for the grace and strength that God has given me on this journey. 

Now, how do I feel now that radiation is over? I am a survivor and I have become adapted to new normalcy of having to be self-isolated. Those who have been through Chemotherapy, Radiation or other immune compromising treatments are forced to hunker down at home and avoid social contact Now, the entire world is being forced to deal with a new diagnosis, not cancer but a new coronavirus to which we have no immunity or treatment, at least not yet. You might say that having cancer preps you for something like this. You learn to deal with uncertainty, self-isolation while doing your best to stay connected and be self resilient. It frightens me to see those that are not taking this virus seriously. We all have received a diagnosis and it is up to each of us to pay attention to self-care. 

I want to thank my amazing team of Doctors, my Surgeon, Dr. Russell Novak, Sarasota First Physicians Group. 21st Century Oncology for their fine Doctors, Dr. Stephen Patrice, Radiology Oncology, Dr. Robin Lifton, Oncologist as well as my favorite technician, Jeremy who guided those machines every day. To my family who was behind the scenes to always encourage and support and last but certainly by no means least, my wonderful husband who never missed a day driving me and supporting and loving me every step of this journey. All this being said, how do I feel now that my treatment is complete? I feel like dancing!!!!

~ Helen Ann

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