Friday, June 5, 2020

Be Your Best Authentic Self

Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Unfortunately, too many of us do, trapped in a life that isn’t right for us by fear and inertia. It is never too late to be who you want to be. Finding your passion is about doing what you love and being who you love in a way that empowers you to go after your dreams, becoming the best version of you, and literally creating your most magnificent, joyful, meaningful, and successful self. 

First – you have to know what it is that you truly love, you have to know what your dreams really are, and you have to know how you define, for yourself, what that magnificent, joyful, meaningful, and successful life looks like. So much can happen in a single day so don't ever underestimate the power in a day. When I decided to go to Real Estate School, you would not believe the negative comments I heard. The one that was always the loudest was "what's the point in starting a new business or pursuing a career at your age that will require going back to school, studying and taking tests to achieve a new qualification, and what if you fail and wasted all that time." Yup, that was what I heard day in and day out. 

Having always been a person with a very strong mindset coupled with a dominant thought process I continued to blaze my own trail. I did fail my State Test the first time but that only made me more determined to study harder and I am proud to say, that hard work paid off and I did get my license. Where I am today is a product of my prevailing thoughts and beliefs that I had in myself a year and a half ago. Everything has changed in amazing and beautiful ways for me. 

We all have our own unique gifts to give the world. You are a once-in-humankind combination of passions, natural aptitudes, and quirks. There will never again be anyone quite like you. Your primary purpose in life is to be the best authentic you in every way possible. You see, going after my dream added a whole new development of satisfaction to my life. I allowed myself to rise above the life that others expected of me and today looking back on all the hard work, doubt, and conflicting emotions, I can say "I Did It!" and I am proud to be living an authentic life with meaning and purpose. You too can find your passion and reach your goals. 

I once read it is better to be a the bottom of the right ladder than the top of the wrong ladder. A book that beautifully portrays being your authentic self is "Hope For the Flowers" words and illustrations by Trina Paulus. 

Have a Blessed Day.

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