Monday, October 5, 2020


 Yesterday I posted a true story about Jim Thorpe winning the 2012 Olympics with two different shoes.  The morning of the Olympics, his shoes were stolen but that didn't stop him, he found shoes.  One was too big, so he had to wear extra socks.  He competed and won in spite of the obstacle.

Nobody sets out with a plan to fail, but so often people let obstacles get in the way of their success.

We all need to take a lesson from this story as we each face obstacles in our lifetime.  We have two choices, we can choose to use those obstacles as an excuse or a determination.  I personally have faced more obstacles in my life than I choose to remember.  Some more challenging than others but I always chose to wish, hope, and dream and make it happen instead of excuses that would make me quit.  

There was a time in my life that I lived as a Single Mom with three little boys in Government Housing.  I was so happy to have a home and a life with my little boys, I never gave much thought to the "type of housing."  It didn't change who I was or the way I would raise my sons.  It was temporary and I knew it.  I would go to sleep at night with visions of a better tomorrow.  I held down three jobs at a time and my little boys had everything they needed.  I learned to be fearless and strong and let nothing stand in my way of that better tomorrow.  My life was like climbing a mountain.  I had to take one stone at a time.  I am still climbing that mountain and I hope God gives me the strength to continue until He calls me home.

Starting a Real Estate career at 75 was not an easy task and failing the state test twice would make the faint at heart quit, but not this only made my determination stronger.  I had learned that strength when I was 27 in that government housing project and it has served me well for all of my life.

The moral of this story is  I was given a difficult start in a marriage, abandoned by a husband, and left virtually penniless to raise a 6-week old baby and a six and 7 year old.  I would not be who I am today without those early lessons.  Babe Ruth said and I live by "You Just Can't Beat The Person Who Won't Give Up>"

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 I know a lot of negative people that seem to not just be negative about a few things but everything in general.  I ask myself "Why?" when so many of these people appear to be blessed with so much but are they really?  I guess it depends on what one means by so much.

Lack of confidence, doom and gloom, distrust, and anxiety are a toxic cocktail mix.  You probably wonder how a person can survive with all that inside of them!  Yet, these negative people exist all around us and are impossible to avoid.  I am by no means saying that you will not have moments of despair, anxiety, and discouragement.  But,  as a positive person, you don't let these thoughts take over your lives.  You live by the four-to-one-ratio.  You generate four positive thoughts to each negative one, to keep situations from getting out of hand.

I have had many times in my life that I could have given in to despair but instead, I always kept a strong belief that things will get better.  In this recent month, we had three Real Estate transactions fall by the wayside through no fault of ours.  Yes, it was disappointing but did I throw my hands in the air and proclaim, "It's not fair, and I can't do this anymore?"  Absolutely not, I let my disappointment work the opposite, and I went right back at it.  

In my real estate business, I have known people that let others tell them what house to buy, or what neighborhood to live in or etc. etc. etc.  You can be certain that they are the negative squad that have not yet sorted out their own issues so it is much easier to tell others how to live their lives.  Negative people survive on worry and the fact that everything is going to go wrong.

I choose to concentrate on looking for the good things in life while still getting excited about an upcoming event or how awesome it feels to re-arrange the furniture and buying some fresh flowers for no reason.  Does this mean I am always happy and positive?  Of course not and I don't ever mind saying "I failed," because to me that means at least I tried.  Fake positive people only tell you when they succeed.

There have been times in my life because I try to be a positive person that I have been accused of living in denial and quite naive.  Being positive doesn't keep problems away from you, but you look for solutions.  One must listen to good advice and follow through with guidance.

Try working on being happy and positivity will come.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 “There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. ...

Monday, September 21, 2020


 Now that is a good question and one I have been asked at least once a day while I am out enjoying a walk with my new fur baby, Gus.  First and foremost you have to be fit to get a puppy, as they require exercise.  Some people are fit right into their 80's and 90's while some people much younger are not fit at all so age shouldn't be a factor.  People ask "what if you die before the dog?", really, you can die at any age so should no one ever get a puppy?  I do feel when a senior gets a puppy that someone should be in place to care for the puppy in the event you cannot, and that would certainly be a good idea for everyone so a puppy does not end up in a shelter.   I think raising a puppy is a bit like raising children- the more you have in your life the easier they become.  I must say, I don't find puppies hard work at all, and I have raised several puppies along with three boys.  What memories I have and I would not trade those memories for anything in the world.

Moving to a new community when you are older is difficult as you leave friends behind to embark on your new venture to "Bloom Where You are Planted."  This recently happened to me, so what did I do? I went back to school and got my Real Estate License and I love my new career but something was still missing in my life and I knew exactly what it was...It was my heart's best friend, a dog.  I know when owning a dog (puppy), you are more likely to practice heart-healthy habits such as a good exercise routine, eating well-balanced meals, as well as developing good sleep habits.  Did you know that almost 40% of seniors experience loneliness on a regular basis (which research has associated with poor health, poor sleep, high stress, and more inflammation?  Pets will also help take your mind off pain.  All you ever have to do is look into your pet's eyes and you will get a boost of feel good.  Pets help you stick to a routine, you have someone who is totally dependent on you, and those empty hours are suddenly filled with feeding, walking, grooming, and playing with your fur baby as well as keeping your mind sharp. There is always someone at home to greet you.  You suddenly find yourself more social as you walk your pet and meet other pet owners.  I have found since having Gus, that I have connected with more people in this last month than I have since I moved to my new home.

So you have all my reasons for this senior getting a puppy and I don't regret it for a second.  Yes, I still work hard at Real Estate, and Sam and I have decided to take turns working at home until Gus is a little older.  For two seniors such as we are, becoming Sam, Helen Ann and Gus has been the best decision we ever made.  We are a family.  I personally think that dogs are absolutely amazing, they give unconditional love and for me, they are the role model for being alive.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Embrace Your Silver Locks

 Letting your natural hair shine thru is not a sign of letting yourself go, it is a sign of embracing who you are.  Say it with me "Gray Hair is Beautiful," whether you prefer it in a short bob or longer locks, or accessorizing with bold glasses, let those silver locks shine through.   

Going gray gracefully can be difficult as others shout their opinion to you.  Why are women made to feel old with gray hair while men are called silver foxes?  But you know what? whether you are 30 years old or 80 years young, nothing is more beautiful than a woman with confidence.  I call my silver locks wisdom-highlights, unlike the high expense of highlights in a salon, they are low maintenance.  You will never have to get them touched up and the more you have, the wiser you are.

Proverbs 16:31 says "Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life."  Your gray hair is a trophy to what you have accomplished and while you may never have received accolades on such things as raising a family,  dedicating yourself to a career, having grandchildren, and being blessed to see great-grandchildren come into the world, or added a new career in retirement, your silver hair is now a crown for all you have done. You know never to judge a book by its cover, so don't judge or ever underestimate that woman with silver hair.  Every one of those beautiful hairs tells a story of who she is and what life experiences she has faced with dignity and courage.  

I ditched the dye, uncovered a new me, a more authentic me.  I like looking in the mirror at that woman looking back at me reminding me I am pretty awesome.

Thursday, September 3, 2020


From having a tea party with my dog in a high chair to the present time, dogs have always been such an important part of my life, they can fill an emptiness that you didn't even know you had. Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love,  and when they depart, they teach us about loss.  A new dog never replaces the old dog, they merely expand the heart.  Each and every dog I have owned has a piece of my heart and maybe someday my heart will be as loving as a dog.  I remember my precious 70 lb. Lassie Collie by the name of Brandy that licked my tears away after my open-heart surgery, and never left my side.  He was so human that at the end of his life when he could no longer stand and we had to take him to visit Rainbow Ridge, he stood up for the first time in weeks and looked out the back window of our jeep for one last look at the home he loved so much while little Charlie, our Bischon who never was separated from Brandy, did not try to jump in the jeep with us as he always had in the past, he just sat on the steps and watched us go down the hill...dogs know!!   Brandy was the perfect dog, at least that's how I will always remember him.  He set my standard by which I have judged all other dogs to come.

The last dog I had was a rescue by the name of Riley.  Hers was such a sad story that no animal should ever have to experience. She was left in a crate for the first 4 years of her life, never socialized and as hard as Sam and I tried for over three years with some of the best training schools, we could not remove the aggression she had for other dogs.  We loved her so much and she loved us, but it was too late for us to undo the abuse she endured the first four years of her life.  She was always on guard protecting us and never would allow other dogs near us.  One horrible day she hurt a small dog and bit a lady just because they walked toward me.  We had to bear the hard fact that it was time to send her to Rainbow Ridge.  Now when I look back at pictures of her, I always see a tear in her eye where all the other dogs that I raised from puppies always had smiles.  I hope she finally is playing and enjoying life on Rainbow Ridge, free of the hurt she endured the first four years of her life.  

There was a German Shepard by the name of Ranger, that guarded my little boys just like a mother or father would.  I can still see him steering them away from trouble and when they would fall down, he would lay beside them.   Another Collie by the name of Sean that even made it to my oldest son's senior yearbook as he was so well-loved by the Senior Class of 1983 at Pitman HS in Pitman, NJ.

Now we have a new heartbeat at my feet by the name of Gus.  Gus is a Bernadoodle which is a mix of a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle.  What a joy to once again have a puppy that will, I'm certain bring stories of his own.  I am once again playing "puppy fetch" and tug of war in the living room while introducing him to all size dogs, cats, bunnies, and such so he is well socialized.  I take Gus on outings and just sit on a bench and welcome as many people who would like to come and greet him. We are making socialization a priority.  UTube videos have been a wonderful resource for us.  Well-meaning friends have said, "Why on earth would you want a puppy at this stage in your life?"  To these well-meaning friends, I say "It is amazing how much love and laughter he is bringing into our lives and how much closer Sam and I have become because of him.

Robert Wagner said "A dog will teach you, unconditional love.  If you can have that in your life, things will never be all bad."

Monday, August 24, 2020

The Beauty of a Woman

 When asked to reveal her beauty secrets, Audrey Hepburn wrote this, and later it was read at her funeral.

All women should seek this type of beauty.
′′ To have attractive lips, speak kind words.
To have a loving look, look for the good side of people.
To look skinny, share your food with the hungry.
To have beautiful hair, let a child cross it with his own fingers once a day.
To have a beautiful poise, walk knowing you're never alone because those who love and loved you accompany you.
People, even more than objects, need to be fixed, spoiled, awakened, wanted, and saved: never give up on anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a hand, you'll find them at the end of both your arms. When you become old, you will discover that you have two hands, one to help yourself, the second to help others.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, in her face, or in her way of fixing her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes because that is the door open to her heart, the source of her love.
The beauty of a woman doesn't lie in her makeup, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the tenderness that gives love, the passion that it expresses.
The beauty of a woman grows over the years ′′

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Lately, I have had to stop and remember to time block for myself and work toward finding a happy balance between work, family, and friends.  I have found that planning helps me map out how to plan and prioritize my time between my busy real estate career and myself.  I have been trying a new plan..At the beginning of each week, I add to my planner a date night with my husband and some alone time for me.  I am one of those people who loves to work, but I also do my best work when my house is in order.  How can you be a success in business if your home life is in shambles?  Jonathan Huie said there should be time for everything: "A time to relax and a time to be busy, a time to frolic and a time to labor, a time to receive and a time to give, a time to begin and a time to finish."  That "time to finish" is sometimes difficult for me.

I have started reading THE MIRACLE MORNING  by Hal Elrod.  The basis of the book is how you set yourself up in the morning determines the rest of your day.  As a realtor, you could work 24 hours a day: however, I am learning to set work hours for myself and do my very best to keep them. I would never dream of calling a customer at 9 o'clock on a Sunday evening with a problem that will keep them up all night when there is no way it could be addressed until Monday morning.  I don't make calls before 9 A.M. or after 8 P.M.  If you set your boundaries, others will respect them.  Don't you think that sentence applies to most things in life?  Don't just spend time, invest in it wisely, and give yourself permission to enjoy life and a little binge-watching TV never hurt anyone.

“I had once heard the quote, ‘The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.’  And I always think about this when I get busy or overwhelmed.  It is empowering that I am the only one in my life that is in charge of my time and how I invest it.” — Sara Rose Kennedy

Sunday, August 16, 2020


 This Shrimp Scampi Recipe is so tasty, it tastes like you have cooked all day.  The wonderful combination of shrimp, herbs, and white wine is a perfect combination to serve over Angel Hair Pasta.

This recipe serves 2 nice size portions


2 lbs. of peeled large fresh shrimp.  If your shrimp is frozen, just put them in a bowl and pour 2 cups of cold water over the shrimp and let thaw.

1/2 Lb. Angel Hair Pasta

1 1/2 stick of butter

1/2 cup of a good quality olive oil

2 cloves fresh finely minced garlic 

2 envelopes of Good Seasoning Italian Dressing Mix

1 cup of water

1/2 cup of dry white wine

1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley

1 cup Panko Japanese dried bread flakes

3 Tbs. of fresh-squeezed lemon juice

1/4 tsp. red pepper 


Preheat your oven to 350 degrees

Cook the pasta according to the package directions, drain and mix the pasta with enough of the cooked pasta water to prevent the pasta from sticking together.  Set aside to keep warm.

Peel and devein your shrimp.  Melt 1 stick of butter and the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat, add the minced garlic and cook for about 3 minutes, until the garlic is golden.  Stir in the dressing mix along with the water and white wine, and simmer until the sauce begins to thicken. You can add more liquid to the sauce if needed, water, wine, or both.  Add the shrimp to the thickened, simmering sauce along with 1/4 cup of the chopped parsley and remove from the burner and transfer to an ovenproof baking dish.  If the pan you are using is oven proof, you can just leave everything in the same pan.

In a small pan, melt the remaining 1/2 stick butter with the lemon juice and red pepper flakes. Toss in the Panco crumbs until well combined.  

Top the shrimp with the Panko topping and bake for 15 minutes, or until the topping begins to turn golden, and the shrimp is cooked.

Serve over the Angel Hair with an additional 1/4 cup parsley for garnish.

Arugula salad with a light dressing with freshly shaved parmesan cheese is a nice accompaniment.  I recommend for a dressing, 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice, 1 cup of good, light olive oil ( I use Bertolli Extra Light), and 1 tsp of kosher salt.  Put in a jar with a lid and shake well.  This dressing will keep forever in your refrigerator.  This will become a favorite dressing, and it also makes a nice marinade, tasty and healthy as well.  Add some crusty bread to dip in that amazing sauce, and enjoy a nice glass of Meiomi Pinot Noir and.....

~Bon Appetit

Thursday, August 13, 2020

A Repurposed Curtain Rod

 I had been hanging on to this quite outdated gold rod from the '80s.  It was hard for me to replace it as it was an expensive purchase and one of those things that I just couldn't bring myself to let go of. The rod just didn't fit with my decor and my draperies.  Chalk painting was the way to save the rod and give it an updated look.  It was such a simple project that it only took me about a half-hour to do both rods and rings.  I used Dixie Belle (you can tell I use that frequently as I love the way the paint just glides on), The color was Putty with nothing else.  I only gave it one coat, as I liked some of the color from the original rod peeping through.  When it was dry, I gave it a quick coat of my stand-by Dixie Belle Gator Hide to seal it.  This was about a 3-hour project and what a difference it made to the room.  Below you will see the before and after.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

In Tough Times, Highly Motivated Realtors Survive and Thrive

When I became a Real Estate Agent almost two years ago, I was constantly being told that many real estate agents will NEVER make it thru their first two years.  As I found myself attending Real Estate University, I was wondering "how" I was going to ever retain all the information that was coming at me day in and day out.  I will never forget our Regional Director who is an amazing realtor, telling me it was like "taking small bites from an elephant"  Well, that elephant was HUDGE!!!  Lots of advice from all different directions was coming at me on a daily basis and I must admit, I felt doomed to fail.  

Every day, I got dressed and went into the office.  My Broker actually gave me an office.  The first time in my life, I ever had my own office.  I was so proud and me being me, my first job was to decorate it.  I listened to all the successful realtors in my office share their success stories and I was in AWE of everyone.  How long did it take them to learn all those contracts and do all that math in their head?  In the beginning, I was left to rely on my soft skills which included my people skills, my self-motivation as well as being a pretty good mediator and I knew how to think on my feet.  How far were those skills going to take me? 

I knew I had to market myself.  That seemed like a pretty daunting task until one rainy day while sitting in my office, I began to look at some of the qualities that I valued most in myself, and having a good heart and wanting to help others was top of the list, but how does having a good heart in this highly competitive field help sell real estate?  By the end of the day, I had decided to take my chances and become "An Agent With Heart", and that quickly took off as I began doing weekly videos and while these videos were real estate oriented, I always talked about women and heart disease as well as developing a healthy lifestyle.  I began to feel some confidence.  That first year, I only had two sales but those two sales taught me so much.  These two sales came from taking floor time, one was a single mother with four children who was tired of renting.  I immediately was taken with her and her family as that was me and my story 50 years ago.  I was able to get them into a brand new home and be present to see their new life begin.  Next was a retired gentleman and his wife who wanted to purchase a manufactured home.  I knew NOTHING about selling manufactured.  He was in another State and I visited every park that we were permitted to sell.  To clarify, as a realtor, we are not allowed to sell on rented land.  I put so many miles on my car, took pictures, sent emails, and narrowed down to about ten homes before he and his wife came for a visit in March.  Sam was my assistant then so he drove and I showed property.  To my surprise, I sold my first manufactured home and met a potential customer along the way.  I was learning a very valuable lesson that has since served me well.  RELATIONSHIPS OVER TRANSACTIONS.  So that is how this Agent With Heart spent her first year as a realtor, two sales and two failed listing appointments due to lack of experience.  I certainly didn't set the world on fire but giving up never entered my mind.  The end of the year also gave me a solid partner as Sam got his real estate license and I knew we could become a force to reckon with.

2020 started out amazing, we shared the first sale of the new year on January 1st with another realtor in our office.  Next came two listings and one more sale. COVID 19 then decided to rear its ugly head.  Thank goodness we were already used to virtual tours as the home we sold the first of the year was done virtually.  We learned to be flexible and bend with the changing times. I made daily calls to for sale by owners and expired listings.  I could see the market was changing but I was changing as well and determined to protect my business that had started to grow.  I continued to educate myself during this time on skills I lacked.  One of those skills was learning to write a good description of a listed property. I still kept hearing, "If you don't list, You won't last."  I don't believe that is necessarily true, as working with buyers was giving me confidence.  Now, I am developing diversified skill sets and am comfortable with both.  Remember one bite at a time out of the elephant.  Sam and I take floor time whenever we can, we continue to make calls and focus on our social media presence. The pandemic has not hurt us as we continue to grow with two more listings.  One sold in less than 24 hours, (good creative writing as well as beautiful pictures) and the other a little longer but just sold yesterday and we have a buyer closing on another home in two weeks, plus yesterday, a new walk-in from floor time. Sam has become the Lot King with what started as one customer, and from that one customer, he has had four referrals for a total of sixteen lots that he has sold.  Perseverance, as well as dedication, has served us well during this pandemic.  These "Agents With Heart" have mastered the 5 skills that every real estate agent needs to have to be successful.  Those skills are  Knowledge, Professionalism, Kindness, Responsiveness, and Helpfulness.  We are about to celebrate those two years that many don't make.  Need a Realtor, Call your 'AGENTS WITH HEART"

Monday, August 10, 2020

Be Fierce, Be Strong..

  “And one day she discovered that she was fierce and strong, and full of fire and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.” – Mark Anthony

What a statement!  How did I arrive fierce and strong?  Looking back over my life, I think the moment I became a mother if someone or something put my children at risk, I became a fighter...some might even say a "Super Hero." 

 I was a single mother at 27 with three little boys to provide for.  Life has knocked me down more than once, and I have experienced sadness and failure but one thing for sure, I always have gotten back up.  I was never afraid to try anything. That was most apparent when I learned to talk my way into jobs that I had little or no qualifications for.  My attitude was, "They can always say no but maybe they would say Yes instead."  Not to have tried in my way of thinking would have been to have failed.  Why not reach for the moon?  I needed those jobs to support my little family, and for the most part, I heard "You have the job."

Back in those times, it was extremely difficult to find a place to live when you were a single mother with three little boys and heaven forbid you own a dog.  It seemed that life was testing me at every corner of the road but that road became like a mountain with every step I took and the higher I climbed, the stronger my legs got.  I was learning to be tough and ambitious while still maintaining a gentle spirit.  I believe today that would be called a Steel Magnolia. Our first home was a government housing project.  For us, it was a palace, and I used such ingenuity to decorate our little home.  It was pretty cute if I do say so myself.  One thing that remained constant was despite no car, and three jobs, we always ate dinner together every night. Our meals were pretty simple but they were healthy and I learned to put together some pretty amazing recipes from whatever was in the refrigerator or cupboard.  Our favorite was the"Wednesday Night Special," everything that was left in the refrigerator.  I was beginning to instill strong family values into the lives of my little boys. 

We had very little but we had a lot of love.  God was beginning to become the heart of our home.  I knew He was watching over us, as He was teaching me to be secure in the woman he made me, and despite everything happening, I kept faithful and even with tears in my eyes, I always tried to keep a smile and assure all those around me that I was just fine.  I was becoming a strong, fearless, and independent woman who never backed down especially when it came to my little boys.  I've learned to forgive the people who hurt and insulted me.  I just hung on and kept believing in myself.  

Well here I am 50 years later, the salt in my wounds isn't burning anymore, it's not that I don't feel pain because I still do, but I have learned through the years that no one will take away or dim the light from within me.  I am Fierce, Strong, and Independent and have become the heroine in my own life instead of the victim.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Sam and I, your "Agents With Heart" have a beautiful new listing coming on the market as soon as Friday. Whether you are a CAR COLLECTOR, BOATING ENTHUSIAST, OR TRAVEL BUFF, or a BAND looking for an insulated place to practice, this lovingly maintained and newly renovated home has a POLE BARN that can hold 9 cars and includes a car lift, and yes....a large boat or RV can find its way into this spacious outbuilding that is state of the art. Fully air-conditioned and a new 75" TV is just waiting for your entertainment. Did I mention a big back yard with a screened lanai home to an 8' deep pool? Haven't even touched on all the upgrades in this charming home. Just need to make an appointment and see for yourself. Don't forget to watch for beautiful professional pictures coming tomorrow. Just wanted to wet your whistle. We will be marketing this property located in a much sought after neighborhood in North Port that surrounds Blue Ridge Lake that goes out to CoCo Plum Waterway on several media sites. It won't last long!!!! Give your ❤️Agents With Heart❤️a call at 239-410-4431 and schedule your appointment. $289,900

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A Shabby Coffee Table transformed to Chic Country French

Anything old can be made classy and beautiful with a little ingenuity as well as patience and time.  This table was banged up pretty bad which was what attracted me to it.  I cleaned it up with Mineral Spirits as I always do.  Then I took a putty knife and stripped some of the loose pieces of wood off to really give it a gouged look.  Next came one coat of Dixie Belle Burlap chalk paint all over the table to include the gouged places.  I used a dry brush technique.  What is the dry brush technique?

One of the key elements in using the dry brush technique with chalk paint is offloading. Offloading is the process of wiping paint off of the brush after you have dipped it in the paint. You can do this on a paper towel or other material to prepare your dry brush.  Then you just paint as normal.  You will be able to see some on the paint underneath which can eliminate the sanding process.

After the paint was dry, I used Annie Sloane's dark wax in the gouged places to achieve the dark color I was looking for.  I then taped the dark wax gouges with blue tape so they would not lighten up while I finished the project with a mix of dark and white wax all over the table to seal the paint.  Start with a little dark wax and keep adding white wax (I use a plastic knife and paper plate for this process) until I achieved my desired distressed color.  Remember you can always go darker but changing back to light can be a bit more challenging.  Apply your wax with a round waxing brush, then after the wax is applied, it's time to buff your wax.  I use my husband's old tee shirts that I cut up for my polishing cloths.  Next, some elbow grease to polish until you feel a smooth surface.  A cut piece of granite on top and now you have a beautiful Country French Coffee Table.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Looking Forward

 My thoughts today are with all young families facing the dilemma of "Do we go back to school, or continue virtual learning?"  My heart💗 goes out to all these parents, having to make that decision, and I also think of the amazing teachers having to learn an entirely new way of teaching without socialization.  I have tried thru this pandemic to look for a ray of sunshine in all of these challenges., so here goes...  While COVID 19 has turned all our lives upside down, the crisis could be a much-needed opportunity to improve family life for the better, forever.  This virus has brought hardships for most of us, and at the top is economic insecurity for many, and tragedy for those who have lost a loved one. Think back to an ordinary week with the kids, there were school and daycare drop-offs, pickups and those hurried meals without the family being present just to get back in the car to drop-off all over again for dance lessons, piano, sports and a long list of after school activities.  Do you remember the times you wished to just take a breath from it all?  Well, now you have an empty calendar and here you are, no more school, no day-care, no after school activities and you are faced with the challenge of just being able to work.  In talking to a lot of young families, all those after school activities have been replaced with much simpler things like family walks, bike rides, horseback riding, and a resurgence of family game night.   Zoom meetings have provided an opportunity to be with all our long-distance family and friends as well as those that live close by.  With more time to plan meals, dusty cookbooks have come off the shelves and old family recipes, as well as healthier meals, are being prepared.  The family is sitting together and talking These are positive changes toward more of family life and while COVID 19 will continue, perhaps day by day we will get just 1% better and soon reach a "new normal," while still remembering how it felt to lead a much simpler life where you were actually able to sit back and watch how a family can interact with one another with joy and happiness just spending time making cookies with flour all over the kitchen.  Yes, we can still look forward to smiling faces. 


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Upcycled Dresser To Love Again

A beautiful makeover using Frottage, (French: “rubbing”), in visual arts, a technique of obtaining an impression of the surface texture of a material, such as wood, by placing a piece of paper over it and rubbing it with a soft pencil or crayon, as for taking brass rubbings; the name is also applied to the impression so obtained.  This was a 70's maple dresser that I basically turned Shabby Chic with little effort.  I started with a base of Annie Sloan Duck Egg Blue and only gave it one coat.  When it was completely dry, I then put a coat of Annie Sloan Sage green on top.  While it was still wet, I crumbled a paper bag good and tight.  After crumbling the paper, I open it up to all the wrinkles and pressed it into the wet paint creating a very artistic look as you can see in the picture.  I did not stress the dresser but sealed it well with Dixie Belle Gator Hide(Gator Hide is a poly-acrylic that repels water and is used to protect tabletops and cabinets).  As you can see I left a peekaboo of the maple to show through  New handles from Hobby Lobby $35.00 and there you have it, a brand new dresser that if purchased in a store would be close to $500 or depending on where you buy it, even more.  Two cans of Annie Sloane paint cost me approximately $75.98 and a 16oz can of Dixie Belle Gator Hide for $36.45, that will last you for several projects.  The entire project cost $147.43 and by the way, I used that Annie Sloane paint on several other projects as it goes a long way.   We can keep our social distance while getting together for some wine and painting. 

                                                    Vintage Inspired Dresser



When I had the “Miracle of Thought” to become a Realtor, I was in the parking lot of Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Church. It changed the lens by which I view my life and I will never forget that special moment. I was searching for a way to make an impact on others. I attended school, passed my State Test and will never forget the day I walked into Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty in North Port, Fla. I was ready to take on the world. That epiphany has brought the most amazing customers into my life. My first sale was to this amazing single Mom who was looking for a home for herself, and her 4 children. That Mom was me 50 years ago, single with three little boys looking for a better life for my sweet little family. It was not happenstance that I got that up call. From that moment until this very day when I received another up call from another single Mom who is mirroring my life, all my customers have been sent to me for a specific reason. Every experience has been different and unique. I am always excited for that initial face to face introduction as I am allowed the privilege of learning about my customers and how I can help them at this very special time in their lives. Some are first time homeowners, others are getting ready for retirement while some are families just looking for a larger home. No two stories the same. The things you don’t have to remember to pass that daunting State Test...Smile, Listen, Be Positive, Expect Nothing, Don’t Compare, Be Humble, Be Your Authentic Self. I have learned not to fear taking the plunge on something big and, even if it doesn’t pay off, people respect someone not afraid to try. I appreciate all my customers and thank them for all the gifts of ♥️they have given me. I have some pretty amazing stories and I hope to be honored to continue this path for many years to come. I would be remiss not to thank Coldwell Banker Schmidt Family for all they have taught me and for having faith in this ♥️Agent With Heart♥️

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

End Table Rehab

Original Cherry Wood end tables with a sanded and varnished top. I choose Dixie Belle Paint as I feel it is equal to and much more reasonable than Annie Sloan.  My color choice was Rebel Yellow.  Dixie Belle paint does not need to be sealed if allowed to cure for 30 days.  If I do use a wax to seal it, it can be done immediately after the paint dries.  On my end tables, I did not stress the color with wax but instead, I gave them a coat of Gator Hide made by Dixie Belle for protection.  Gator Hide is a poly-acrylic that repels water and protects tabletops and cabinets.  


Monday, July 20, 2020


The Velveteen Rabbit happens to be my very favorite children's book but with such an adult message. It's always better to be "real," You were born an original, don't die a copy. ~ John Mason. Share your weaknesses. Share your hard moments. Share your real side. It'll either scare away every fake person in your life or it will inspire them to finally let go of that mirage called 'perfection,' which will open the doors to the most important relationships you'll ever be a part of. ~Dan Pearce

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Buyer and Seller Market

Despite lockdown orders and economic uncertainty, people are still buying and selling homes thanks to virtual home showings and no contact contract signings.

Everyone is always asking me... "How is the market?" the best way to answer that question is while there have been temporary interruptions in the housing market during this pandemic, it's now a win-win for both the buyer and the seller. There is a shortage of homes on the market as many sellers are waiting to see what this pandemic is going to do while buyers on the other hand are being cautious. Sellers are anxious to sell so there are some good deals and interest rates are at an all-time low which makes it appealing to buyers. So, all that being said, the two are holding hands at the moment. If you are looking to buy or sell, this is an excellent time. Builders; likewise, are offering some very nice incentives.

Live Long and Prosper,
~Helen Ann

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Taking The First Step

The loftiest goal that I ever set for myself was at 75 years young, I decided to become a Real Estate Agent.  Once I set that goal, there was never a moment when I looked back.  I started with a realistic goal of attending school three days a week instead of taking the entire month's class in one week.  It was best for me to breakdown this goal in smaller more achievable tasks.   I knew that statistically, the odds were not in my favor as the State Real Estate Exam is one of the hardest to pass as it is ranked right up there at the top.  I also knew if I didn't try, I would never forgive myself.  For me, it would have been better to fail rather than never to have tried.  That was how I raised my sons so why would my thinking be any different.   I passed my class test with the highest grade in the class but I failed my state test twice; however, I never gave up or made excuses for my shortcomings.  I knew where my weaknesses were and sought help from a wonderful tutor who advised me.  Her name was Michele Early, and she now owns her own Real Estate Scool called THE MAGNOLIA SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE.  When I finally passed that test it gave me a new perspective on everything.  You might say I thought of myself as "Unstoppable". Today I am an excellent Realtor who puts her customers first, and I am more concerned about building relationships than writing contracts.

The best feeling in the world is knowing you took a step in the right direction.  A step toward the future where everything that you thought to be impossible is possible.  Even the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.  Tiptoe if you must, but take the step.  There will always be obstacles along the road but I have never lost heart and that is how I have become known as an  "Agent with Heart".

Armoire Project

I am sorry I did not take a before picture of this armoire as it was brown and had elephants all over it.  My choice of colors were three from Dixie Belle.  Putty, Rustic Red, and Palmetto.  I did not dark wax but sanded portions so the original colors would show through.  Finished with Dixie Belle Gator Hide. 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Arugula Tomato Salad

Arugula is my personal favorite type of leaf-based salad because of the unique peppery taste.  Pair this with the sweet taste of roasted cherry tomatoes, fresh basil, and burrata (fresh mozzarella cheese filled with shreds of mozzarella soaked in cream), and you have the most colorful and delicious summer salad that will delight any palate.

Serves 4

1   Container of fresh arugula (ARUGULA  is best used within 3-6 days)

1/4 Cup of roughly chopped fresh basil

1   Tbs. white vinegar

2   Tbs. of a light olive oil

      Balsamic vinegar (optional)

1   Container each of sweet red cherry tomatoes and sweet yellow cherry tomatoes, roasted in a 350-degree oven on parchment paper with a drizzle of olive oil, salt, and pepper.  You will know when they are done as they will break apart and look like the above picture.

1    8 oz. container of Bel Gioioso Burrata, (found in the specialty section of your local supermarket) There are usually 2-4 oz. balls in an 8 oz. container.  Helpful Tip: the best way to portion Burrata is with a spoon.  Normally I will use a soup spoon.
Salt and Pepper to taste


I always clean my salad greens (other vegetables and fruits as well) in a bowl of cold water with 1 Tbs of white vinegar.  When rinsed, you never taste the vinegar.  Let them sit for a few minutes and then rinse and spin dry.  If you do not have a salad spinner than drain well and let dry between two paper towels.

When the tomatoes are done transfer them with a slotted spoon to a bowl to cool.  The tomatoes may be done ahead and refrigerated with a lid.  The longer they sit, the more flavorful they become.

When you are ready to assemble your salad, put your beautiful, fresh arugula on a platter or in a bowl.  Top with the tomatoes, and if you like, another drizzle of olive oil and/or a good balsamic vinegar.  This is optional.  Finish with the Burrata and garnish with some lovely basil leaves.

~Bon Appetit 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Helen Ann Mattoni, Realtor

A Realtor isn't your greatest resource. The RIGHT Realtor is!  Insist on one with a strong work ethic - one with high morals and strong commitments to core values. Accept no substitutes for customer service, reliable communication, attention to detail, or product knowledge. If such virtues are important considerations in your search for a realtor, you've landed on the right site. Stop here - your search is over! 

One of my top priorities is finding homes for families to provide security and a sense of permanency for your children.   "OWNING A HOME IS THE AMERICAN DREAM"

Real Estate is not about buying and selling homes but more importantly building relationships.

I learned about commitment and about principles of Duty, Honor, and Country as a little girl. I learned them from my father who, for 30 years, served our great country in uniform. He passed-along and instilled in me the values that vaulted him to success as a Brigade Commander. As the daughter of a career Army officer and later, as the wife of one, I've been to and have experienced many parts of the country - the world, even. Having lived in many homes through the experience, I know a lot about them. And, after 35 years in the sales industry, I know how to sell them.    I'd be honored to help you with either buying that perfect home or selling your much-loved home.   I'm an agent with Coldwell Banker Sunstar in North Port, Florida, and when you choose me, you have an entire company working for you.  I can provide you with local knowledge, demographic data and I will always negotiate on your behalf no matter how large the task.  I listen to my customers.   Give me a call - give me a chance to provide "White Glove Service."

Helen Ann Mattoni
Agent With Heart

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Formal Buffet Project

This was a buffet that belonged to my husband and his late wife.  It was very dark mahogany and while it was perfect for that time in history, it was a bit too dark for the tiny space where I needed to put it.  I began to research some colors that would work, and I decided on Dixie Belle chalk paint rather than Annie Sloane for no reason.  I happened to see it in a store and liked the color.   It did not have a buffet top at the time.  The hutch top was added at a later date by a dear friend who made it from lumber found at the Home Depot.    


I began this project as I do all my chalk painting projects thoroughly cleaning whatever project you are working on with mineral spirits to remove all the dirt and wax so you are working on a clean palette.  

On this piece, I switched to Dixie Belle paint.  The color was Burlap.  I painted it all over with two coats.  Then, I went back over it with medium grade sandpaper and sanded it wherever I wanted the appearance of a distressed piece.  You may sand either before or after you wax.  I prefer sanding before waxing but it doesn't matter.  Just make certain to get all the particles removed from the sanding process.  I use my hand vacuum.  

I then took approximately 2 Tbsp. of Annie Sloan dark wax and mixed with 4 Tbsp. of white wax.  The reason I do this is that you can always go back and make it darker but it's much more difficult to go lighter.  I use a large round waxing brush to apply the wax.  Do a section at a time and then use a soft cloth to shine your wax.  You can also use Johnson paste wax and achieve the same result without any added aging.  For my polishing cloths, I cut up my husband's old tee-shirts.  When the piece was all waxed and finished, I used a coat of Dixie Belle Gatorhide to ensure a hard finish.

Now, getting the hutch top that was attached a year later to match was a challenge; however, I am never turned away by a good challenge.  This was raw hardwood with no finish so I first applied a coat of Kiehl's sealer paint on to seal the wood.  Next, I made it dark mahogany with a dark stain.  Funny back story...while I was staining the underneath, I laid my head in the varnish, of course by mistake.  (I have silver hair) and for the next two hours, I was a victim to a rag soaked in turpentine while my sweet husband asked "Why on earth would you do that?" But being the sweetheart he is, he tried his best to remove it and in the end, he couldn't remember the word for the color of hair I had so he commented, "Well, it looks as though you spent a lot of money on 'that' hair."  I was hoping the word was balayage.  That was definitely it for the day, but not for the project that I was determined to complete.  Wine was definitely in order as I toasted my new hair color whatever it was called. 

After the stain was applied to the hutch, I let it dry for 24 hours.  Then I followed with two coats of Dixie Belle Burlap paint.  When dried, I sanded and waxed as above followed by the Dixie Belle Gatorhide.  The match was perfect as you can see from the picture. 

By the way, the hair returned to normal after a few months and some creative hair cuts.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Recognizing You Are Living An Authentic Life

Last week, I wrote about To Thine Own Self Be True and this week, I want to mention how I began to notice that I was, in fact, being true to myself. 

1.   I began asking myself tough questions such as "Why am I doing this?" and instead of doing what I felt that I should do, I did what I thought would serve me better.  I began being honest (not cruel) with others about how I honestly felt.

2.  This has been and still is the hardest for me and that is speaking up when I feel as though I have the need to say something that I feel important.  Hiding your feelings just to please others serves no purpose.  Sharing your feelings helps you heal but I always try to be impeccable with my words.

3.  I've learned it is not selfish to honor my needs.  Some people can work twenty-four seven on four hours of sleep, I cannot and I used to try to keep up with those people.  I now honor what I feel is important to my physical as well as mental needs.  I have learned it is perfectly okay to say "no" and when I do that, saying "yes" feels so good.  I make my own time and I am the only one who can do that for myself.

4.  You can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all the time but you can never please all of the people all of the time.  It would be wonderful if we could get everyone to like us as it is always easier to achieve validation rather than criticism.  Being rude and unkind is not my way but I would much rather be disliked for what I stand for than liked for what I might pretend to be.

5.  Keeping company with those who make you feel happy and put a smile on your face especially during these difficult times is so important.  Don't let others get in your head with their issues, it is their issues, not yours.  Set boundaries.

6.  Don't try to keep up with the Jones, live a life that is right for you and your family.  I once read your values are your compass in life and while they can change over time, always be true to them.

7.  I call it the Holy Spirit but some may call it intuition.  Whatever you may call it, learn to listen and when you get that feeling of right or wrong in the pit of your stomach, go with it.  You will learn you are right more times than not. 

8.  Be yourself and learn to be proud of that self.  You worked hard for it and don't allow anyone else to take it away.  No one else is walking in your shoes or living your life.

9.  Don't ever be afraid to admit you are wrong or made a mistake.  Remember you are human.

10  Sometimes you just have to let go no matter how difficult or afraid you may be.  Hanging on to something that is comfortable and yet you know is wrong will never serve you well.  By letting go, it makes room for who else you can be.

I've experienced hard times and the very best of times and I don't think that I would want to change any of it because who I am today is a result of where I have been.   What I have learned is to keep coming
home to myself.

~Live Well and Prosper 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Mediterranean Cod

Are you ready for fresh fish for dinner?  If so you will love this recipe that cooks in just 15 minutes and will promise to bring a lovely meal to your table.  This is my own version of a recipe I tried to create from a restaurant. 

Serves 2
  • 4 tsp coconut oil (I use coconut oil because of its high heat content)
  • 2 tsp. Fisk, a Norwegian spice for fish but you can make your own. (1 tsp. each of sweet paprika, chili pepper, dill and a pinch of sugar as well as salt and pepper - this will keep in a jar) 
  • 1 container of cherry tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup of quartered artichokes (drained)
  • 1/4 cup pitted kalamata olives (cut in half)
  • 2 Tbsp. capers
  • 1/4 cup chardonnay or dry red wine if you prefer.  If you opt not to use wine, mix fresh lemon juice with water.  
  • Italian leaf parsley (chopped)
  • 1 lb. piece of a wild-caught cod
  • A drizzle of balsamic vinegar or olive oil or both if you prefer (I use just a drizzle of each)
  • A sprinkle of Himalayan pink salt or plain sea salt to finish

Melt oil over medium-high heat.  Rinse your piece of cod and dry.  Sprinkle your herb mix on one side.  Place seasoned side down and sear.  After about 5 minutes, flip the fish, remove from heat and the fish will continue to cook.  Do not cover.  This will cook your fish perfectly without overcooking.

In a separate pan, melt the oil and add your tomatoes, artichokes, black olives, capers, and wine and cook down.  When it begins to cook down, add the chopped fresh parsley.

Pour your lovely sauce on a fish plate, top with the cod, add a drizzle of balsamic or olive oil (or both) with a pinch of either of the sea salts, and a sprig or two of parsley.

~Bon Appetit

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

8 Reasons Buying a House is Better than Renting

This article comes from Business Insider~Liz Knueven

Let's be frank: Buying a home is no small expense. Not only are there recurring property taxes and insurance payments to make, but maintenance and upkeep get expensive, fast. Business Insider contributor Kate Dore, a homeowner herself, recommends that the typical homeowner should plan to save between 1% and 4% of a home's value for maintenance.

But, those costs aside, there could be huge benefits. Consider that someday your house might be worth more than you paid for it and you'll move on at a profit. You might also have a potential for future passive income if that's the route you want to take. And paying off your home to live mortgage-free can set you up for a comfortable retirement.

And then there's the emotional appeal of owning a home — the house is yours, and for some people, you can't put a price on that. 

Buying versus renting a home is a very individual decision. Below, homeowners weigh in on why buying was the right choice for them.

  • Owning a home allows you to build wealth to purchase future homes
  • And, buying could help to increase your net worth in ways renting can't
  • You've got a shot at significantly lowering your living expenses someday
  • You'll have an opportunity for passive income
  • No one will sell it out from under you (or raise the rent)
  • You get to make it your own
  • It's more stable and familiar
  • You've got the chance to get a great deal

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Refurbished Buffet Table

Another rainy day project that just took a weekend from start to finish.   The buffet below was a thrift store find for only $35.00.  It was very dark mahogany in need of a facelift to fit into my Country French collection of furniture.  I stated, as usual, cleaning the entire buffet with mineral spirits to take off any grease, dirt, or grime.  That is the beauty of chalk paint as that's the only preparation you need. 

Step 1  I used crackle paint by Annie Sloan and painted the entire piece.  Let it completely dry.  Normally you put crackle paint on top of your first coat of paint to show that color thru the second coat of paint; however, I wanted the wood to show thru the layer of paint so doing the crackle first was an experiment and it worked to achieve the result I was looking for.  Crackling techniques 

Step 2  I put Annie Sloan Duck egg blue, Paris Gray and French Linen, and olive on a paper plate(do not mix)  I put my brush in all three colors at once and began painting.  This creates a mixture of colors.  I let this dry completely.  As it began to dry, it crackled and the wood showed thru which created a very distressed look.

Step 3  I painted the sides and bottom of the buffet with the same procedure as step two only using Country Gray and Old World.  They crackled as well.   All by Annie Sloan.

Step 4  I used a technique called Frottage only on the drawers. I painted the olive on the dresser drawers and while it was still wet, I crumpled a brown paper bag good and tight and unfolded it and just gently worked it into the wet paint.  It creates a look like a drawing on your paint.  Dry completely.

Step 5  I always mix dark wax with white wax.  The reason behind: you can always make your wax darker but it is much more difficult to go lighter.  I put the wax on with a good wax brush and then buff it to a nice finish.  I cut my husband's old white tee shirts to use as my polish cloth. You can also use just Johnson and Johnson wax; however, it will not achieve that distressed look.   This sets everything.  Add a coat of varnish if you wish for added protection.  I find Gator Hide by Dixie Belle to be an excellent product and if I do not want the look of waxing to create an old look, I just finish with the gator Hide.  

If you have any questions, please comment below, as I have a lot of tips and short cuts for you.

Monday, June 29, 2020

To Thine Own Self Be True

When it comes to living as a compassionate non-judgemental human being, the only challenge greater than learning to walk a mile in someone else's shoes is learning to walk comfortably in your own.

"The most confused we get is when we try to convince our heads of something we know in our hearts to be a lie." ~Karen Morning.  There have been many times in my own life when I felt as though people didn't know or understand me.  How could they, when I didn't even know myself.  Some years ago I began searching for my authentic self by peeling away layers of years of conditioning about being told who I should be  These layers can be pretty heavy and sometimes we don't even realize they are there.  We just get used to the status quo.  We know we feel off, something doesn't feel right, in fact, it feels just plain wrong.  When I began the process of searching for "the real me," it required stripping layer after layer looking for and trying to understand why I had the feeling I did about my own self-worth.   I was the oldest of three in my family and was taught that it was most important for me to always set the example for my siblings.  I am certain that many of you remember phrases such as you are to be seen and not heard, don't make any waves, do as you are told, and we all remember this one, stop crying or I will give you something to cry about.  Then, to make things worse, we were always being compared to others.  I often herd "your father is an officer in the United States Army, and your actions are a reflection on us."  This actually proved to be true when my father was being considered for the job of Military Attache to Paraguay, and the FBI paid a visit to my High School to ensure I was of good character and not a trouble maker.  I am proud to say, I passed the test.  This was my family belief system and while it was not wrong, it turned me into a tried and true people pleaser constantly feeling paralyzed about what choices to make, and all I knew was they must always be the right choice.

Having to feel that I always needed to portray a perfect image on the outside was beginning to make me feel very disingenuous so I decided it was time for me to work at changing my target of behavior.  In doing so, I decided to become a fly on the wall and began observing myself objectively.  What I saw was that I wasn't being honest about what I thought, wanted, or needed.  I needed to make space in my life to connect with myself so I started journaling, asking myself tough questions, and being honest with the answers.  Now I have become a life long student of constantly learning how to be my Authentic Self.  What does that really mean?  It simply means being my best self and not a poor imitation of someone else.  I began my journey by not worrying about what others thought I should be (that was an extremely difficult habit to break), instead I concentrated on who I wanted to be.  No one can tell you how to be true to yourself except you.

Next week I will give you a glimpse of how I began to recognize that I was finally beginning to Live My Authentic Life.  

~Live Well and Prosper

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Chocolate Chip Cake

Chocolate isn't chocolatey enough to describe this serious delightfully rich chocolate cake.  The good news is, this decadent cake starts with the simplicity of a chocolate cake mix and then rich ingredients such as chocolate pudding, sour cream along with a large package of chocolate chips get added.  All this gets topped with the heavenly happiness of a rich chocolate buttercream frosting.  Now, Let's get this party started.


1 chocolate cake box mix of your choice
1 tsp. baking powder
1 small package of chocolate instant pudding (I used Godiva)
4 eggs
1 cup sour cream (do not use non-fat)
1/2 cup canola oil
1/2 cup milk
1  (11.5 oz.) bag of chocolate chips

Mix all the ingredients together, except the chocolate chips, until well combined.  Put 1/2 of the batter into a greased 13x9x2 inch pan.  Sprinkle 1/2 package of the chocolate chips over the batter.  On top of the chocolate chips, pour the remainder of the batter with the rest of the chocolate chips on top.

Bake in a 350-degree oven for 45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.  Let cool for about 30 minutes and frost.


1 cup of unsalted butter brought to room temperature
3 and 1/2 cup of confectioners' sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened Godiva cocoa mix
3 Tbs. heavy cream or milk
1/4 tsp. salt
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract

~Bon Appetit

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Embrace Diversity in our Communities

Together we can build strong communities when we embrace diversity and accept one another.  We live with billions of people on this earth, and there is so much we could learn from one another if we were to just try.  With the right attitude and good social skills, we can get along with just about anybody.  Of course, not everyone is going to be your best friend but we can still learn to respect others.  We don't need everyone to be an exact carbon of one another, we should instead celebrate how different we are. We need to stop being judgemental and realize everyone is unique in their own way, even those in your own families.
Let's think about our neighborhoods.  We could learn so much by getting out there and meeting our neighbors, learning about their culture, and history. People want to travel the world to gain insight into other cultures as well as different foods when we could stay home and learn so much if we would open our minds to something different. We have stopped spreading love in our own cities when someone is a different color, race, or religion than we are.  Do we take the time to get to know that person or do we just ignore them because they appear different?  Do we ignore those people when we travel to their countries?  Of course not, so why do we do it here?  We need to start being more understanding of our differences and spread the love for one another that could make this world whole again.  

Try to see our neighborhoods in color, rather than through rose-colored glasses that tend to cause a hundred different shades of gray and treat others as you wish to be treated.