Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 I know a lot of negative people that seem to not just be negative about a few things but everything in general.  I ask myself "Why?" when so many of these people appear to be blessed with so much but are they really?  I guess it depends on what one means by so much.

Lack of confidence, doom and gloom, distrust, and anxiety are a toxic cocktail mix.  You probably wonder how a person can survive with all that inside of them!  Yet, these negative people exist all around us and are impossible to avoid.  I am by no means saying that you will not have moments of despair, anxiety, and discouragement.  But,  as a positive person, you don't let these thoughts take over your lives.  You live by the four-to-one-ratio.  You generate four positive thoughts to each negative one, to keep situations from getting out of hand.

I have had many times in my life that I could have given in to despair but instead, I always kept a strong belief that things will get better.  In this recent month, we had three Real Estate transactions fall by the wayside through no fault of ours.  Yes, it was disappointing but did I throw my hands in the air and proclaim, "It's not fair, and I can't do this anymore?"  Absolutely not, I let my disappointment work the opposite, and I went right back at it.  

In my real estate business, I have known people that let others tell them what house to buy, or what neighborhood to live in or etc. etc. etc.  You can be certain that they are the negative squad that have not yet sorted out their own issues so it is much easier to tell others how to live their lives.  Negative people survive on worry and the fact that everything is going to go wrong.

I choose to concentrate on looking for the good things in life while still getting excited about an upcoming event or how awesome it feels to re-arrange the furniture and buying some fresh flowers for no reason.  Does this mean I am always happy and positive?  Of course not and I don't ever mind saying "I failed," because to me that means at least I tried.  Fake positive people only tell you when they succeed.

There have been times in my life because I try to be a positive person that I have been accused of living in denial and quite naive.  Being positive doesn't keep problems away from you, but you look for solutions.  One must listen to good advice and follow through with guidance.

Try working on being happy and positivity will come.

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