Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Embrace Diversity in our Communities

Together we can build strong communities when we embrace diversity and accept one another.  We live with billions of people on this earth, and there is so much we could learn from one another if we were to just try.  With the right attitude and good social skills, we can get along with just about anybody.  Of course, not everyone is going to be your best friend but we can still learn to respect others.  We don't need everyone to be an exact carbon of one another, we should instead celebrate how different we are. We need to stop being judgemental and realize everyone is unique in their own way, even those in your own families.
Let's think about our neighborhoods.  We could learn so much by getting out there and meeting our neighbors, learning about their culture, and history. People want to travel the world to gain insight into other cultures as well as different foods when we could stay home and learn so much if we would open our minds to something different. We have stopped spreading love in our own cities when someone is a different color, race, or religion than we are.  Do we take the time to get to know that person or do we just ignore them because they appear different?  Do we ignore those people when we travel to their countries?  Of course not, so why do we do it here?  We need to start being more understanding of our differences and spread the love for one another that could make this world whole again.  

Try to see our neighborhoods in color, rather than through rose-colored glasses that tend to cause a hundred different shades of gray and treat others as you wish to be treated.  

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