Monday, July 6, 2020

Recognizing You Are Living An Authentic Life

Last week, I wrote about To Thine Own Self Be True and this week, I want to mention how I began to notice that I was, in fact, being true to myself. 

1.   I began asking myself tough questions such as "Why am I doing this?" and instead of doing what I felt that I should do, I did what I thought would serve me better.  I began being honest (not cruel) with others about how I honestly felt.

2.  This has been and still is the hardest for me and that is speaking up when I feel as though I have the need to say something that I feel important.  Hiding your feelings just to please others serves no purpose.  Sharing your feelings helps you heal but I always try to be impeccable with my words.

3.  I've learned it is not selfish to honor my needs.  Some people can work twenty-four seven on four hours of sleep, I cannot and I used to try to keep up with those people.  I now honor what I feel is important to my physical as well as mental needs.  I have learned it is perfectly okay to say "no" and when I do that, saying "yes" feels so good.  I make my own time and I am the only one who can do that for myself.

4.  You can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all the time but you can never please all of the people all of the time.  It would be wonderful if we could get everyone to like us as it is always easier to achieve validation rather than criticism.  Being rude and unkind is not my way but I would much rather be disliked for what I stand for than liked for what I might pretend to be.

5.  Keeping company with those who make you feel happy and put a smile on your face especially during these difficult times is so important.  Don't let others get in your head with their issues, it is their issues, not yours.  Set boundaries.

6.  Don't try to keep up with the Jones, live a life that is right for you and your family.  I once read your values are your compass in life and while they can change over time, always be true to them.

7.  I call it the Holy Spirit but some may call it intuition.  Whatever you may call it, learn to listen and when you get that feeling of right or wrong in the pit of your stomach, go with it.  You will learn you are right more times than not. 

8.  Be yourself and learn to be proud of that self.  You worked hard for it and don't allow anyone else to take it away.  No one else is walking in your shoes or living your life.

9.  Don't ever be afraid to admit you are wrong or made a mistake.  Remember you are human.

10  Sometimes you just have to let go no matter how difficult or afraid you may be.  Hanging on to something that is comfortable and yet you know is wrong will never serve you well.  By letting go, it makes room for who else you can be.

I've experienced hard times and the very best of times and I don't think that I would want to change any of it because who I am today is a result of where I have been.   What I have learned is to keep coming
home to myself.

~Live Well and Prosper 

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